Which account to put your money for retirement?

Use this calculator to compare of benefit of 401k, Roth IRA, and trading account.

This tool helps answer :
  1. Should I contribute more to 401k and IRA after my employer's maximum match is reached? What if my investment in trading account can achieve higher returns and have more flexibility and liquidity to withdraw than in 401k and IRA?
  2. Is it better to contribute to pre-tax or after-tax (Roth IRA) retirement account? Check the difference between Plan A and Plan B below.
Contribution Plan
I am
Tax filing status:
Current retirement fund (pre-taxed)
Pretax salary / year
Self-contribution of pretax salary
Employer's contribution (max matched)
Total base 401k contribution
More contribution allowed: in 401K
in all IRAs
After max match, contributing more
I will contribute for years from now
Then, withdraw for years
Federal income tax rate (highest bracket)
State income tax rate
Base 401k Plan A Plan B Plan C
$ contribution flows into 401k & IRA Roth IRA Trading account
Contribution amount / year pre-tax
Future contribution
Annual investment yield
Account balance years out
Post-retirement yield
Pre-tax annual withdrawal
Base + Plan A Base + Plan B Base + Plan C
Pre-tax annual withdrawal
Income taxable
Income tax rate
(Federal + State)
Capital gain taxable
Capital gain tax rate
(Federal + State)
Total tax payable
Post-tax annual withdrawal winner winner winner
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