Buy Electric or Gas Car Calculator

Use this calculator to compare the cost and benefit of driving an electric car and a gas Car.

Vehicles Info clear
Purchase price including tax, financing charge, and all kinds of purchase and registration fee, excluding government subsidy (input next)
Government subsidy
Battery / fuel capacity kWh gallon
Electric / fuel price ($) /kWh /gallon
Miles per gallon (MPG)
Full range miles miles
Full-range fuel cost
Fuel cost per mile
Total miles to drive
, causing depreciation
Maintenance cost
per 10k miles

per 10k miles
Monthly insurance cost
Monthly miles to drive
Total drive time
Comparison Results
Monthly cost
Fuel & insurance cost
Maintenance cost
EV monthly saving:
Total cost
Fuel & insurance cost
Maintenance cost
Total cost to drive
EV total saving:
This tool helps answer the question:
  • Is an electric vehicle (EV) better than a gas car in saving the cost of driving, considering the subsidy, electricity, fuel, insurance, maintenance, and depreciation?
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