Personal finance can be more effortless, manageable, and affordable than you think.

easy financial platform
Let's consider the time and cost before doing financial planning
Opesway Everything DIY
Acquire essential knowledge 10 minutes 200 hours
Build Excel templates none 100 hours
Fill the financial data needed 10 minutes 1 hour
Time spent initially 20 minutes 301 hours
Monthly update & review 10 minutes 1 hour
30-year time spent 60 hours 360 hours
Fee & expense a year Free $0 ~ $120 on books & software
Investment performance Numerous research show that more than half of active-managed funds underperformed the market index, and little evidence proves an advisor's strategy can constantly outperform the market. So, we assume, in general, that no one outperforms the others at a gross level. average market return average market return
Net performance after fee about average about average
Retirement forecast expertise by CFA and actuarial professionals relies on yourself

Note: For demonstrative purposes only, results may vary based on individual situations. There is no guarantee on future investment return assumed herein to be realized.

How we are compared with others' service
Opesway Robo Advisor
The company's goal Make your wealth growth whole More fee revenue & assets under management
Wealth calculation & projection Yes Yes
Budget analysis & projection Yes Some
Asset allocation analysis Yes Yes
Budget-based retirement planning Sophisticated Some are rough, and as a result inaccurate
Overview of your financial wellness Yes Yes
Insightful financial calculators Yes Some
Retirement forecast expertise by CFA and actuarial professionals depends on robo developer's skill
Service termination by you online, no questions asked lenghty phone call may be needed
Fee charged a year Free 0.2% ~ 1% of asset,
$1,000 ~ $5,000 on $500K asset
Account minimum $0 (free signup!) $0 ~ $100,000

Note: For demonstrative purposes only, actual results from robo advisors may vary based on individual situations.

How do we serve, and what we don't request?
Opesway Robo Advisor
Overview of your financial wellness Timely showed in Dashboard when your situation changes. Reports may delay for a few days, and only on monthly basis or longer.
Financial or investment advice We provide a one-of-a-kind platform for wealth forecasting. You can easily customize your budget, set up strategic asset allocation and retirement goals, and immediately see the intuitive analysis. The service provided may depend on your asset level or the tiered advisory fee paid, and the suggested investment may have costly management fees.
Banking (deposit & loan), asset management, trading, offer to buy or sell securities or crypto None. We never ask for a client's deposit or act as a lender, agent, broker-dealer, or asset manager. Some advisors do these businesses to absorb your assets under management (AUM) as much as possible.
Fund liquidation and transfer needed No, you will keep the funds intact. Yes, if they manage your assets under their funds.
Call or email customers No. email is never shared externally. Yes
Target generation to serve Anyone wanting to build wealth Baby boomers, Gen X, wealthy young adults

Note: For demonstrative purposes only, actual results from robo advisors may vary based on individual situations.

Your privacy and wealth protection is our 1st priority
Opesway Robo Advisor
Social security number asked Never Maybe
Sensitive banking infomation asked Never Maybe
Other personally identifiable information asked Only an email address is needed to sign up. Home & email address, phone number, and more.
Data sharing for business Your data is confidential and never sold to third parties. Your data may be sold to third parties without your full awareness.
Website safety HTTPS TLS encryption Various
Risk of fiduciary None because we never oversee or touch clients' funds. Minimal to low
Fraud risk None because we don't do banking or manage clients' assets. Minimal
Awareness of financial risks Our risk experts developed convenient tools that let users analyze their risk appetite and various asset allocation risks. Most automated reports have little insight into your concern. It can be too vague for you to control the risks.

Note: For demonstrative purposes only, actual results from robo advisors may vary based on individual situations.