Saving for Retirement and Withdrawal Calculator

Use this calculator to see how much you need to save for retirement and thereafter how much you can withdraw monthly.

Phase 1 clear
Current savings
Future monthly savings
Savings for years
Annual investment yield
Max yield suggested The suggested max annual investment yield, based on the investment horizon, for the most aggressive investors. For conservative investors, the yield input should be lower than this.
Ending savings
This tool can help answer the questions for example:
  1. If I have $5,000 in savings now and save $500 every month, with an annual rate of return of 8%, what is the calculated expected savings at the end of 20 years?
  2. If I have $5,000 in savings now, with an annual rate of return of 8%, how much should I save every month to become a millionaire (with ending savings of $1 million) at the end of 20 years?
  3. (Phase 2) How much money can I withdraw monthly from these savings for 40 years until they run out?
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