Plan & Pricing
Opesway Free Opesway Plus Other platform
Assets & net worth tracking
Efficient budget planning
Custom financial goals
Money flow chart & projection
Asset allocation optimized
Debt-free stategy optimized
Powerful wealth & budget forecast
Retirement (FIRE) readiness insight
Bank accounts linking
Automatically refresh account balance, investment holdings, loans, and transactions on daily basis.
Auto budget feeding
Use the historical average income & spending from the bank account transactions, to feed into budget for forecast.
Save 80% of time on filling up the budget template. You still can review and customize any budget amount.
Personalized AI chatbot
Use the latest ChatGPT AI model by OpenAI
Price Free 14-day free trial
Then $14 / month
$3 ~ $20 / month
Subscribe Opesway Plus for $14 / month
14-day trial. $0 charged today.

Your payment is secured by PayPal. Opesway won't get any info about your bank account, debit / credit card number, PIN, or PayPal login credentials.

You can cancel anytime on the profile page or at If you cancel, previous charges will not be refunded, but you can continue to use the service until the end of the term you paid for.